Osaühing Tako Puit
Company name | Osaühing Tako Puit | ||||||||
Legal form | Private limited company | ||||||||
Register code, date of registration | 11187484, | ||||||||
Status | Entered into the register | ||||||||
Capital | 40 000.00 EEK | ||||||||
Address | Estonia, Saare maakond, Saaremaa vald, Kaarma-Jõe küla, Eha, 93823 | ||||||||
Data from the VAT Register |
Area of activity | NACE code | EMTAK code | Type | From |
Service activities incidental to land transportation | 52.21 | 52219 | Principal activity | 15.07.2023 |
Growing of cereals, other than rice, leguminous crops and oil seeds | 01.11 | 0111 | Secondary activity | 12.06.2024 |
Sawmilling and planing of wood | 16.10 | 16109 | Secondary activity | 12.06.2024 |
Data updated: 19.07.2024
Data source: Estonian E-Business Register open data, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution
Data processing price: 0.00 EUR