osaühing Koplimäe Mahe Talu
Company name | osaühing Koplimäe Mahe Talu | ||||||||
Legal form | Private limited company | ||||||||
Register code, date of registration | 11495660, | ||||||||
Status | Entered into the register | ||||||||
Capital | 2 556.00 EUR | ||||||||
Address | Estonia, Saare maakond, Saaremaa vald, Uuemõisa küla, Koplimäe, 94522 | ||||||||
Data from the VAT Register |
Area of activity | NACE code | EMTAK code | Type | From |
Manufacture of grain mill products | 10.61 | 10611 | Principal activity | 30.06.2024 |
Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes | 10.71 | 10711 | Secondary activity | 30.06.2024 |
Production of electricity from non-renewable sources | 35.11 | 35119 | Secondary activity | 29.06.2019 |
Restaurants and mobile food service activities | 56.10 | 56101 | Secondary activity | 29.06.2019 |
Organisation of conventions and trade shows | 82.30 | 82301 | Secondary activity | 30.06.2024 |
Data updated: 15.08.2024
Data source: Estonian E-Business Register open data, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution
Data processing price: 0.00 EUR