Mittetulundusühing MAASILINNA SELTS
Company name | Mittetulundusühing MAASILINNA SELTS |
Legal form | Non-profit organisation |
Subtype of legal form | Ordinary non-profit association |
Register code, date of registration | 80368352, |
Status | Entered into the register |
Address | Estonia, Saare maakond, Saaremaa vald, Orissaare alevik, Sadama tn 5, 94601 |
Data from the VAT Register | The legal person is not liable to VAT |
Area of activity | NACE code | EMTAK code | Type | From |
Operation of historical sites and buildings and similar visitor attractions | 91.03 | 91031 | Principal activity | 10.02.2014 |
Data updated: 21.01.2025
Data source: Estonian E-Business Register open data, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution
Data processing price: 0.00 EUR