Company nameEesti Evangeeliumi Kristlaste ja Baptistide Koguduste Liidu Käina Evangeeliumi Kristlaste ja Baptistide Kogudus
Legal formNon-profit organisation
Subtype of legal formCongregation
Register code, date of registration80205822,
StatusEntered into the register
AddressEstonia, Hiiu maakond, Hiiumaa vald, Allika küla, Mäeltse palvela/1, 92122
Data from the VAT RegisterThe legal person is not liable to VAT
Areas of activity (1)
Area of activityNACE codeEMTAK codeTypeFrom
Activities of religious organisations94.91 (version 2.0)94911Principal activity26.06.2018
Tax data (1)
Right of representation (3)
Beneficial owners (3)
Annual reports (15)
Historical data. Tax data (1)

Data updated: 07.02.2025

Data source: Estonian E-Business Register open data, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution

Data processing price: 0.00 EUR