Company nameBirchLagoon OÜ
Legal formPrivate limited company
Register code, date of registration14283651,
StatusEntered into the register
Capital2 650.00 EUR
AddressEstonia, Tartu maakond, Elva vald, Hellenurme küla, Vahemetsa, 67514
Data from the VAT Register
VAT numberStatusRegisteredExcluded
EE10210254701.10.2018No data
Areas of activity (2)
Area of activityNACE codeEMTAK codeTypeFrom
Gathering of wild growing non-wood products02.3002301Principal activity13.09.2018
Manufacture of soft drinks and bottled waters11.0711071Secondary activity07.07.2023
Tax data (4)
Right of representation (2)
Partners (owners) (61)
Beneficial owners (2)
Persons recorded in the register card (1)
Annual reports (7)
Historical data. Owners (61)
Historical data. Tax data (24)

Data updated: 19.07.2024

Data source: Estonian E-Business Register open data, open data license: Creative Commons Attribution

Data processing price: 0.00 EUR